MSI Welcomes New Employees

We are happy to announce a two new full time employees in the transportation group at Maurer-Stutz.

Jon Koch has accepted a full time position in our transportation group. Jon started with us as a summer 2021 intern. Upon completing his internship, he continued to work part time through the fall semester. He graduated from Bradley University in December 2021. Jon started full time in January 2021. Jon was a bricklayer for 16 years before receiving is civil engineering degree at 40. He has already working on several transportation and structural projects. This summer he will be working on the Glen Avenue construction project this summer.

Hobbies: Mountain bikes, Fishing, Old Trucks

Why I LOVE engineering: I love efficient structural designs and problem solving.

Christopher Sanchez has accepted a full time position in our transportation group with a focus on roadway design. Chris will graduate in May from Bradley University and will start full-time with us after graduation. He has already gotten a headstart in working part time through the spring semester.

Hobbies: Games (both video games and some board games), trivia

Why I LOVE engineering: I got to build toys as a kid and now I get to build things in real life as an adult.